Zhen Feng
Computer Science and TechnologyTsinghua University
Beijing, P.R. China
Research Interests
- Information-Centric Networking
- Content Delievery Network
Participating Projects
- Research of Architecture and Mechanisms of the Future Service-Oriented Internet (973 Program)
- SIONA of "triple-play" (863 Program)
- Zhen Feng, Mingwei Xu, Yu Wang, Qing Li, An architecture for cache consistency support in information centric networking, GLOBECOM 2013.
- Zhen Feng, Mingwei Xu, Yuang Yang, Qi Li, Yu Wang, Qing Li, Börje Ohlman, Meng Chen, Joint Optimization of Content Replication and Traffic Engineering in ICN, LCN 2015, Florida, USA, October 26-29, 2015.
- Zhen Feng, Mingwei Xu, Yuang Yang, Revolutionizing the Inter-Domain Business Model by Information-Centric Thinking, ICC 2016.
- Yu Wang, Mingwei Xu, Zhen Feng, Hop-based Probabilistic Caching for Information-Centric Networks , GLOBECOM 2013.
- Yu Wang, Mingwei Xu, Zhen Feng, Qing Li, Qi Li, Hop-based Probabilistic Caching for Information-Centric Networks , IPCCC 2014.
- Table tennis
- Calligraph
- Classic literature
What's new
- Steve Jobs's speech at Stanford University: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FixcSN0T7Qo/
- A Chinese guy's talk show at the White House: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI3OTYzMzYw.html